Dear Alumni,
All of us are super excited to celebrate 30 years of ESN Zurich with you and spending a fun evening reminiscing about the brilliant times we had at ESN.
During the event, our ESN causes of course need to be respected. To give weight to the cause "Health & Well-Being", there's going to be dinner and an open bar until 21:30, so plan accordingly. ;)
A fun program is also in the making for you to (re-)connect with ESNers from the past 30 years and get to know how they're handling or how they handled chaotic team meetings, students appearing in flip-flops and a tote-bag on hikes to Jungfraujoch and of course not-so-secret-as-they-thought romances and all the drama.
The (public) student party is going to start at STuZ at 22:00. This ticket of course also serves as entry to the student party and you're of course very much welcome to join it. If you, however, already know that you won't make it, we'd be very grateful for you to pick the ticket option without the student party. This enables us to sell more tickets to exchangies.
Looking forward so much to seeing you on November 23rd!!
Lots of love,
Your Party OC
Bitte fülle die folgenden Felder aus.
Online-Verkauf endet am Samstag, 23.11.2024 16:00
30 Years ESNZ Anniversary
30 Years ESNZ Anniversary, ESN-internal Party only (ends at 22:00)
Preise inkl. Steuern
Tickets gibt es auch an unseren Vorverkaufsstellen.
Liechtensteinische Post
Orell Füssli
Rheinfelden Tourismus
TourismusRegion Baden
Total: XX.XX CHF
30 Years Anniversary ESN Zurich wird organisiert durch:
Daniel Reichmuth